Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) eLearning Courses 

The Nile Basin Initiative is an intergovernmental organization that offers short training courses in various domains of water resource management. These include hydrology, transboundary water issues, and sustainability, with courses on water quality monitoring and assessment upcoming. 

PhD in Conservation Science and Sustainability Studies, from Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE), via Manipal Academy for Higher Education, Karnataka (MAHE) 

The ATREE doctoral programme in Conservation Science and Sustainability Studies is designed to train research scholars, to develop and use integrated approaches in sustainable development and biodiversity conservation. The programme promotes interdisciplinary research and frameworks of environmental processes at global, regional and local scales  from the disciplines of ecology, economics, sociology, and climate science. The READ MORE

MSc in Conservation Practice, from Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE), via University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology, Karnataka (TDU) 

MSc in Conservation Practice, curated to create young environmental leaders whose interdisciplinary skills will add value to corporate social responsibility and sustainability offices, development and conservation NGOs and government line departments dealing with environment and development portfolios. This two year Masters program includes a focus area in freshwater quality monitoring and hydrology. Students participate in courses READ MORE

MSc Freshwater Quality Monitoring and Assessment

UNEP GEMS/Water CDC Through its global scoping exercise and bilateral discussions with the water and education sectors worldwide, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) GEMS/Water Capacity Development Centre (CDC) identified a need for a flexible, advanced course for individuals involved in water quality management. In addition, the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goal for water READ MORE

PGDip Freshwater Quality Monitoring and Assessment

UNEP GEMS/Water CDC Through its global scoping exercise and bilateral discussions with the water and education sectors in developing countries, the Capacity Development Centre identified a need for a flexible, advanced course for individuals involved in water quality management. In addition, the new UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goal for water (SDG 6) is leading READ MORE

Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment in Rivers/Lakes/Resevoirs

UNEP GEMS/Water CDC Outline This module describes the essential aspects of the physical, chemical and biological interactions in surface waters, that are necessary for designing an effective monitoring and assessment programme and for interpretation of the results. Key features of successful assessment programmes will be identified. Potential approaches to analysing and presenting surface water quality READ MORE