Through its global scoping exercise and bilateral discussions with the water and education sectors in developing countries, the Capacity Development Centre identified a need for a flexible, advanced course for individuals involved in water quality management. In addition, the new UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goal for water (SDG 6) is leading to an increased demand for knowledge, understanding and capacity in water quality monitoring and assessment worldwide. This Postgraduate Diploma in Freshwater Quality Monitoring and Assessment addresses these needs by enabling the development of expertise in countries through online learning. The Postgraduate Diploma focuses on all aspects of water quality monitoring including: monitoring programme design, quality assurance, data analysis and presentation, monitoring and assessment of rivers, lakes and groundwater, and water quality monitoring with biological and ecological methods and with particulate material. There is also an opportunity to take part in a field workshop during the second year of the programme. The programme aims to recruit highly-motivated, enthusiastic students who may be (i) currently involved in water quality monitoring, (ii) part of the United Nations Environment Programme GEMS/Water network, and/or (iii) seeking to specialise in water quality monitoring and assessment, and who wish to
study on a flexible, part-time basis.

The PG Diploma in Freshwater Quality Monitoring and Assessment is a part-time programme taken over two full years. To be awarded the Diploma students must complete and pass 30 credits from Year 1 and 30 credits from Year 2. Teaching will be online with the exception of module EV6004, which is an optional field-based module in a developing country and/or in Ireland. Students can exit the course after completion of EV6001, EV6002 and EV6003 with a Postgraduate Certificate inWater Quality Monitoring and Assessment.

Year 1

Year 2

and any two from the following

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